Nov 4, 2007

Ladies keep your daughters indoors....Sebby is on the loose

We have been very busy indeed. Lucky, Lucky us! We got to meet more forum friends on Saturday! Lauren and Mike were just about the coolest people we could ever meet. We met them for coffee and apple juice (not mixed) in the beautiful park near their place. Boy was it a great park. Jealous much...I am, I am. The boys played for hours and I have the sun burn to show it (ouchy ouchy ouchy), but we had the best time. We then went to lunch and the boys were well behaved at a very nice, sit down place. Thanks for lunch you guys....we had a blast! We can't wait to get together with these guys again as they are great people and will most definitely make great parents. Their coolness is out of our anyone that gets the chance to meet these legendarily cool people....just do it!

The pictures from our outing start with our new friends and our beautifully cranky boys. I think bonding is going well as Benny doesn't seem to like to go to anyone but his mama. Sebby seems pretty cool though. Wish we could have gotten them both to smile, but hey, this adds character to the picture I think. Thank you L and M for being such good sports, although this still isn't Christmas card material, haha.
Here is Sebby at the play structure mini slide. Both boys enjoyed running around and trying to play with everyone else's toys. It was fun to see them having so much fun. Minus one little melt down by Ben, it was a perfect day.
Here is Benny on the mini merry go round. He looks ready for Michael to push faster and faster.
That is the ticket. These kids feel the need for speed. How quickly they grow. Did I mention it was a great park? I am surprised we ever got the boys to leave.
Here is Sebby with his arm around a random chick he picked up at the park. Look at that smirk. I kid you pose here. This is all Sebby. The girl came to use the mini merry and Sebby put on the moves. He first grabbed her hand....then progressed to going for the hug and even went to lean in for the kiss. Where is he learning this stuff? The future flashed before my eyes.....I have a little Don Juan on my hands. This kid is a social dude. In the store he is all about hi and bye to every patron he passes. Sebby loves everyone. Ben is a little more reserved. No need to worry about waking up and finding him married with children tomorrow. Seb, now that is a different story.

There is a lot to look forward to this week, I think. I have a dentist appt. (broke a tooth on a hidden bone in a stupid Lean Cuisine sandwich that I didn't even want in the first place). I hope they can fix the darn thing. I take good care of my teeth and am too young to start losing oh man.......please just be a little crown. On a happier note, my parents are coming for the three day weekend. for us all. Plus, we are starting to plan our Xmas vacation back home in the Bay Area. We get to have some kind of party to show off the boys. Lots to look forward to as soon as I get past the tooth situation.

I'm out.


whatever_heather said...

Sounds like such a great day! I hope one day we can take all three boys to the park. SIGH. Soon, my friend, sooooon.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing the boys again for your holiday visit!